Cancer developes from the healthy tissues, which gives them a genetic fingerprint of the individual. That is why the results of a treatment can differ from patient to patient, although the type of cancer might be the same.
Nowadays, great developments fuel hope in cancer treatments. Especially the development and the use of novel drugs in targeted therapies have been strenghtening the arsenal of oncology specialists and increasing the chances of survival of the patients.
Cancer developes from the healthy tissues, which gives them a genetic fingerprint of the individual. That is why the results of a treatment can differ from patient to patient, although the type of cancer might be the same. This is a fact that points to the importance of personalized therapies.
A biopsy is taken from our patients and analysed with advaced laboratory tests in our clinic. The enzymes, mutation and proteins are detected which are necessary for the survival of the cancer, and then, these are targeted with preventive drugs. As a result, the chances of recovery is increased while decreasing the amount of side effects.
Targeted cancer drugs, which are approved for treatments, are categorized according to their respective conditions, and listed here.
If you would like further information about oncology treatments, please don't hesisate to contact us.