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Due to the high demand of FUE hair transplantation technique, hair loss is no longer an aesthetic disorder.


Genetic, hormonal, stress, nutrition and aging-induced hair loss and baldness make the lives of many people difficult. The world of modern and traditional medicine offers a variety of treatment methods. Chemical or natural remedies, food supplements, nutrition types are recommended. In fact, hair transplantation is the most effective solution among these treatments.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, with the breakthrough in the hair transplantation industry and techniques hair loss can be easily overcome. A significant increase in permanent and healthy hair follicles has been observed in hair transplantation and more natural results have been obtained. FUE technique in hair transplantation is the most effective hair transplantation technique in recent years. Due to the high demand of FUE hair transplantation technique, hair loss is no longer an aesthetic disorder. The most important feature of this type hair transplantation is to transplant the hair without shortening it. Therefore, it is the reason why it is preferred especially by women.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation technique; is the process of removing follicular unit (hair follicle, oil gland, muscle) grafts from the donor hair follicles which are no hair loss or minimum hair loss and its transplantation in the hairless area homogenously. In this situation homogeneous means that the angle of the hair with the scalp is at the same rate and at the same angle in the applied area. This is only possible with the FUE method. It is a unique microsurgical technique that includes minimally invasive technology and vaccination techniques. High graft counts between 2000 and 5000 grafts can be achieved. By FUE method of hair transplantation it is intended to have at least 30 roots per square centimeter. It can be repeated 3 to 4 times.

What is FUE Method in Hair Transplantation?

When FUE hair transplantation method is applied, side effects such as drowsiness, tension and pain frequently encountered in other hair transplantation methods are minimal or no. All operations are simple. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with outpatient procedure. During FUE operation, it is preferred that the area where the hair is to be taken shaved totally or should be 2 mm long. Fine hair in the neck can also be taken for hairline places.  

The most important advantage of this technique is that it does not create a visible scar on the scalp.In the area where hair follicles are taken, there is no trace in the form of lines. To obtain a full and natural appearance, the hairstyle is designed by paying attention to the original hair growth pattern. Seamless application is performed on linear tracks. Recovery is very fast compared to other methods. The area will recover within a few days. The person can return to work the next day. No need to interrupt sporting activities. The first wash should be done at the earliest after 24 hours after checked by specialists in the hospital or clinic where the treatment is performed.

What are the FUE Hair Transplantation Stages?

  • Hairline design
  • Removing donor hair follicules
  • Graft Cleaning
  • Graft Storage
  • Graft Distribution
  • Placement
  • Post-operation care

Natural looking and lasting results are obtained. New hair growth is noticed in a very short time.

After six months, a natural elongation is noticeable in your natural and planted hair.

For more information about FUE Hair Transplantation and Hair Transplantation in Istanbul, please contact us.


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