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Although the aging process can not be prevented,  because the whole face is handled, successful results can be gained with full face lift surgery,  deleting traces of years left on face.


The aging of the face is inevitable. In fact, the first signs of aging are seen on face; over time relaxation and sagging begins to seen on the face and neck.

Over the years, factors such as age progression, genetic features, premature aging, effects of gravity, smoking, alcohol, malnutrition, weight loss, sun exposure, etc., deform the skin by wearing down. Dangling skin is recovered by various operations. These operations are classical face lift and endoscopic face lift.

What is the purpose of full face lift surgery?

It is an plastic surgery made for those who want to have a stretched forehead, raised eyebrows, wrinkle-free eye area, tight skin, eye-catching neck and jawline. Although the aging process can not be prevented, because the whole face is handled, successful results can be gained with full face lift surgery, deleting traces of years left on face.

People who undergo this operation get a younger and healthier appearance.

What is the preparation before face lift surgery?

In pre-operative preparation, the surgeon listens to the person’s complaints and expectations. He makes designs by examining the face of the person and makes the operation plan according to the data obtained in this preliminary preparation.

How to do a full face lift?

Classic face lift surgery is performed for people with skin tightness issues and tissue sagging. The skin tissue and the jaw line which are sagging from the cheeks to the jaw are pulled upwards by surgical intervention and the face is stretched. During the procedure, the skin is tightened by supporting the connective tissues and muscles under the skin. Liposuction is performed in the neck and jaw, and botox is applied to the detention pits.

The incision  starts from the hairline on the sides of face  and near the  ears. In men, attention should be paid to the incision in accordance with the beard lines. The success of this procedure lies in stretching the tissues beneath the skin with no tension on the skin. Otherwise, the skin becomes too stretched and bad traces may remain.

Endoscopy is the second type of surgery that is preferred in the face where skin wrinkle and sagging are not too dense and the jaw line is not very distorted. In this process, 4mm thickness surgical cameras are used. The deep tissues are stretched upwards with  small incisions made in the scalp. 

Face Lift Surgery is mostly performed with general anesthesia. The average duration is 4-6 hours.

How long is the recovery time after surgery?

The healing time varies greatly from person to person. It is recommended to keep the head in an upright position on a high pillow to decrease the swelling after surgery. Intermittent ice compresses are useful. Recovery usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. However, most people can return to work in about 2 weeks. It is recommended to wait 3 weeks or more before participating in heavy activities or exercises. Complete disapperance of incision seams can last from 3 to 6 months.


Face Lift Surgery is a plastic operation. It is made to correct sagging and wrinkles caused by the loss of elasticity of the skin. The mid-face lift operation is slightly different from full-face lift surgery. In mid-face lifting surgery; The mimic lines on the forehead, low and frown eyebrow, perpendicular lines between the eyebrows, low upper – flap lower eyelid and downwardly protruding cheeks are corrected, eyebrow lifting is performed.

What is the purpose of mid-face lifting surgery?

Mid-face lifting surgery is performed in order to remove fine lines and slight wrinkles and correct the soft tissue of the face, . Over time, the cheek area becomes flat, the lines on the sides of the nose and mouth begin to deepen. The lower eyelids are pulled down; the upper eyelid falls on the eye. Forehead lines begin to deepen, and perpendecular lines begin to form due to brow mimics. As a result of all these symptoms, eyes and face appear tired, sick and older.

The sagging cheeks are turned into original form and the cheek areas are filled. Eye expression is softened to provide a younger look. The skin is smoothened by the contours made from the cheek to the lower eyelid. The mimic lines on the forehead and eyebrow area are filled. Eyebrow lifting is included in the operation when needed.

Who is suitable for mid-face lift?

It can be applied to people with suitable general health status and especially between 30 and 50 years old.

How to perform a face lift (Mid Face Lift)?

There are two types of surgery. In Mid-Face Lift Surgery; the incision is made along the lower lash line or through the cheek. Suspended parts are hanged on the cheekbone and the face is restored. If the amount of fat in the eyelids is excess, the amount is adjusted, the eyelid muscle is tightened and excess skin is removed.

In Endoscopic Mid Face Lift Surgery; The incision (incision) is discharged from the scalp and 4 mm cameras are introduced. Subcutaneous procedures are performed to remove sagging of the lower and upper eyelids of the person. Thanks to this surgery, even very small tissues can be reached, the face becomes younger and more natural.

Surgery is performed by general or local anesthesia according to the scope. The duration varies according to the procedures.

How long is the recovery time after surgery?

The healing time varies greatly from person to person. There may be swelling in the lower eyelid and cheek area. It takes a few weeks for the bruises to heal, and it takes some time for the swelling to dissolve. Scar is hidden under the lash line and becomes invisible over time. The change in the shape of the lower eyelid can be seen; it  is not permanent and improves within 2-3 weeks,. After endoscopic mid-face lifting surgery, the patch is applied to prevent the formation of edema. The applied plaster is removed approximately 1 week after surgery. After a total of 3 months, the skin is fully seated on the face.

Advantages of Mid-Face Lift Surgery

  • The forehead, cheek, mouth and eyes around the temple is stretched, a brighter, more vibrant and younger appearance is obtained.
  • The forehead and cheekbones have a more discrete and natural appearance.
  • Tired expression in the skin goes, the person has a healthier appearance.

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