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Inner tight tightening can be done as a plastic surgery operation and it is generally preferred by the women over the age of 40.


The pubis is the region between thighs and above genital area, in women. When a young woman is up on their feet, this region is tight; whereas weight gain and loss, giving birth, and aging can have detrimental effects on flexibility of the skin and the tightness of the fat tissue. The women might feel anxiety and less self confident, which can affect their social and sexual lives negatively.

This condition also creates an aesthetic problem due to fat build up and a saggy look. If left untreated, the sagging can get bigger and even cover the genital area as a whole.

What is inner thigh lifting operation?

Inner tight tightening can be done as a plastic surgery operation and it is generally preferred by the women over the age of 40. An incision is made from the caesarean area to remove the excess fat and to tighten the skin upwards. If there’s sagging around the lower belly; abdominal tightening operation is done at the same time which flattens the belly area and tightens the inner thighs. By this way, the person gains their aesthetic look and tightness in the area back.

General anesthesia is applied. The procedure takes approximately an hour.

Recovery Period

The stitches are dissolvable and disappear with time. Stitches are aesthetically done in the caesarean area, which leaves the patient with inapparent scars. After the operation, depending on the person, a day of rest might be needed before leaving the hospital. It is relatively a comfortable operation. The patient can return to their normal life in a few days.

You can contact us for doctors and hospitals who specialize in inner thigh lifting.


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